Doodle Bugs Childcare Center Mural Designs | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding
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Graphic Design

Doodlebugs Childcare Center Murals

Doodle Bugs Childcare Center Mural Designs | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding Drop-Shadow Pattern

2018 Silver Addy Winner

Designing a child’s world.

Doodle Bugs had been working on a new center design as the rebrand was happening and once we created the Doodle Buds, we knew we had to play a part on designing the experience within the centers themselves. At that moment, Doodleville was born. The main playroom and various areas throughout the center were branded with vinyl and hand painted murals depicting the buds in their Doodleville world.

Doodle Bugs Childcare Center Playroom Mural Designs | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding
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Doodle Bugs Childcare Center Door Graphic Design | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding
Doodle Bugs Childcare Center Mural Designs | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding