Jamestown Brewery Logo Design | Restaurant Logo Design | Brewery Branding
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Logo Design

Jamestown Brewing Co. Logo

Jamestown Brewery Logo Design | Restaurant Logo Design | Brewery Branding Drop-Shadow Pattern

Heirs to a proud tradition.

The Jamestown Brewing Co logo design mirrors the traditional approach to brewing that Jamestown set out to achieve with every batch. This logo has European influences and a classic style lockup. The two-tone custom lettering is almost metallic in nature and the colors feel very organic. One of the signature Jamestown brews is a spruce ale and the trees represent that connection.

Jamestown Brewery Alternate Logo Lockup Design | Restaurant Logo Design | Brewery Branding
Jamestown Brewery Alternate Logo Design | Restaurant Logo Design | Brewery Branding
Jamestown Brewery Alternate Logo Design | Restaurant Logo Design | Brewery Branding

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