Switzer Website Design | Manufacturing Web Design
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Web Design

Switzer Website

Switzer Website Design | Manufacturing Web Design Drop-Shadow Pattern

Precision design.

The Switzer website is designed to make the complicated, less complicated. Photochemical etching is not exactly a go-to service for metal parts, despite being one of the highest quality manufacturing processes. That premise of quality and precision in Switzer’s processes is what the website is built around. As a business-to-business manufacturer, representing the company’s expert capabilities and industry proficiencies was key. The process page carries the weight of the site, explaining the step-by-step way that Switzer can help innovators innovate. Custom photography adds an artistic presentation to the site, presenting end products in a beautiful way. The site is fully setup and utilizing tracking for the ongoing SEO, search engine marketing, and content marketing activities.

Switzer Website Home Page | Manufacturing Web Design
Switzer Website Process Step Module | Manufacturing Web Design
Switzer Website Process Page | Manufacturing Web Design
Switzer Website Banner Module | Manufacturing Web Design
Switzer Website Capability Module | Manufacturing Web Design
Switzer Website Feature Module | Manufacturing Web Design
Switzer Website History Module | Manufacturing Web Design

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