Doodle Bugs Childcare Brochure Design | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding
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Graphic Design

Doodle Bugs Brochure

Doodle Bugs Childcare Brochure Design | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding Drop-Shadow Pattern

Happy parent onboarding.

As a leader in the childcare industry in their market, the Doodle Bugs parent onboarding experience needed to reflect that stature. The multi page brochure booklet includes custom staged photography along with detailed illustrations of the various floor plans for their center layouts. The brochure also highlights the value to parents and most importantly the curriculum of programs for each age group.

Doodle Bugs Childcare Brochure Page Layout Design | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding
Doodle Bugs Childcare Brochure Page Spread Design | Childcare Graphic Design | Childcare Branding

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