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Luminus Media becomes Luminus Media, LLC

February 4, 2011 |

Happy New Year! 2010 was a big year for us at Luminus Media (Sharpcut Media & The Corporate Jesters) and 2011 looks to be another leap in the growth of our business. Thank you for your business and support to help make this all happen!

In 2010 some of you were introduced to Luminus Media in January after we combined The Corporate Jesters and Sharpcut Media. We started making the transition from freelancers to a small company and throughout 2010 accomplished that goal gradually. In June we moved into a new office space in the Elmwood Village near Allentown. The office is part of the Elmwood Village Creative, a floor of startup creative companies supported by Horizon Realty. In December we started organizing our LLC and preparing ourselves for the next step in our growth.

As of January 1st, 2011 we are now Luminus Media, LLC and some of you that still work with us as our freelance companies will be transferred to Luminus Media, LLC as clients in an effort to streamline our invoicing and communications.

We hope to continue growing and look forward to supporting our clients under the new organization of the company!

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