
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Be Findable

Effective, modern SEO is wildly different from SEO ten years ago. In the past, you could sprinkle in some title tags here, a few thousand spammy backlinks there, and voila! Near-overnight rankings.

That is not what we do. What we do is white-hat, future-proof, diversified SEO, both on and off-site. We help you to create a strategically relevant web presence for your target audiences that ranks highly with search engines because you deserve it. It’s a long-term, sustainable investment in your business.

What is SEO?

What it stands for: Search Engine Optimization.

What it means: so many different things, including keyword research, on-site optimization, off-site optimization, inbound marketing, and conversion rate optimization. In the broadest sense, SEO focuses on enhancing your site’s visibility in organic search (and really, any touchpoint a customer might have with your brand) to maximize exposure, and to make sure that exposure is as positive as possible. When it works, it’s one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your business long-term and, in a way, it’s free.

Why do businesses need SEO?

Your customers are looking for you, and if they can’t find you, they’ll never convert. According to Google, 4 out of 5 consumers search for local businesses on the web before they even consider doing business with them. Mobile searches are on the rise. According to BrightLocal, business owners found that local and organic search had the highest return on investment out of all digital marketing channels. And according to most business owners, they just don’t have the time to keep up with the online needs of their customers and a Google algorithm that changes upwards of 500 times a year.

SEO enables you to stay ahead by ensuring that your brand engages qualified, valuable leads across the web. It’s only one piece of the digital marketing puzzle (don’t neglect SEM or social, either), but it’s a big one.

What makes Luminus different?

We combine world-class creative with future-proof, effective digital marketing to do SEO the right way. We don’t just influence search engine algorithms. We help you to create a web presence that deserves a high ranking. More than that, we pride ourselves on being available and transparent. You’ll know exactly what is going on in your marketing campaign, why we’re making the choices that we’re making, what suggestions we have moving forward, and you’ll always have direct access to a dedicated marketing specialist.

Long-Term SEO Rankings Growth Results

Search Engine Optimization is a long-term tactic that can see early gains in rankings movement, but over time through page adjustments, linking, and landing page development can increase the number of ranked pages and opportunity to earn organic search traffic.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | SEO Rankings Growth Results | Buffalo SEO Company
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | SEO Rankings Growth Results | SEO Company Buffalo, NY
What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | SEO Rankings Growth Results | SEO Agency Buffalo, NY

Long-Term SEO Traffic Growth Results

Increased rankings and page quality over time improve both organic traffic and user engagement metrics such as time-on-page, pages viewed, and bounce rate. Traffic growth overall is also related to the addition of content (pages & articles) over time, especially SEO specific content development.

SEO Results | Search Engine Optimization | Buffalo SEO Company | Building Materials Digital Marketing
SEO Results | Search Engine Optimization | Buffalo SEO Agency | Building Materials Digital Marketing
SEO Results | Search Engine Optimization | SEO Company Buffalo | Building Materials Digital Marketing

How we do it.

We take a comprehensive approach to making sure that search engine ranking performance is built upon business goals and not keyword goals. By focusing on keywords, many businesses end up chasing ghosts or playing the game of David vs. Goliath against national or international conglomerates that are too far ahead of the game with many more resources.

Keyword Research

Keywords aren’t the lifeblood of SEO like they used to be, but they’re still helpful. We’ll target a keyword list designed to give you the edge over the competition and bring in business. Search volume, ranking difficulty, and relevance to your audiences are all aspects that are considered when compiling a primary keyword or key phrase list.

On-Site Optimization

We don’t do “set it and forget it.”

We can build you a site that’s technically sound, performs beautifully across devices and features clean, compact code so that your customers, as well as search engines, find it easy to use and understand.

We’ll continuously optimize your site to signal topical relevance, authority and credibility by generating high-quality, valuable content for both users and search engines.

We’ll continuously analyze the performance of your site on desktop, mobile and tablet devices to ensure that search engines can make sense of it and that users are converting. Technical SEO is more important than ever.

We’ll continuously apply the best practices of conversion rate optimization to ensure that you get the most of every visit and leverage behavioral data to experiment and improve over time.

Off-Site Optimization

We’ll monitor and manage your reputation online to ensure that every possible touchpoint a customer could have with your business is as positive as possible.

We’ll work to earn high-quality, diversified, topically-relevant backlinks that signal authority to both search engines and users. (Content marketing plays a huge role in this effort)

We’ll work to standardize information about your business across the web so that search engines and users alike can be sure that everything they find is accurate. That includes everything from Google My Business listings to relevant directory profiles.

Conversion Rate Optimization

The dirty little secret of SEO is that most websites don’t have a traffic problem so much as they have a conversion problem. Conversion rate optimization is the practice of analyzing user behavior and then continuously testing and tweaking your web presence to maximize your conversions. Our talented digital creative team can assess, design, and write updates to pages that work to improve user metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, and conversions themselves.

Analytics & Reporting

We think it’s vital that you understand everything that’s happening with your SEO performance metrics. Our reporting isn’t just a raw export from an SEO tool. We break down what works, what doesn’t and where your site’s ranking is shifting every single month so that you’re empowered to make intelligent decisions on the future of your campaign. Beyond the statistics, we include actual summaries of what is happening with each aspect of your SEO performance in a way that actually makes sense to you, the client including our recommendations moving forward.

SEO Performance Metrics: What's Important?
SEO, Content Marketing, Marketing, Tips & Tricks January 23, 2023 | Tim Bouchard

SEO Performance Metrics: What’s Important?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the lifeblood of a website. Without direct transparency from search engines like Google about what can be done to improve search visibility, website owners find themselves in quite a mysterious Read More

SEO, Marketing, Tips & Tricks February 21, 2022 | Tim Bouchard

How Does Local SEO Impact Search Rankings?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is complicated enough as it is, but when another layer of hidden metrics for locality is added into the algorithm, it leads people to unintentionally believe that their SEO efforts aren’t Read More

Content Marketing's Compound Effect on Website Traffic & SEO
Content Marketing, SEO February 07, 2022 | Tim Bouchard

Content Marketing’s Compound Effect on Website Traffic & SEO

Content marketing is maybe the most abstract digital marketing tactic to understand the performance and value of. In this article we’ll go over the various ways content marketing provides value and specifically break down how Read More

The Google Page Experience Algorithm Update's Impact on SEO | Google Lighthouse Developer Tools | Google PageSpeed
SEO, Marketing, Web Design December 13, 2021 | Tim Bouchard / John Connelly

The Google Page Experience Algorithm Update’s Impact on SEO

The Google Page Experience algorithm update was introduced in August of 2021. It brings one of the more aggressive updates that Google has taken in an attempt to separate the contenders from the pretenders in Read More

Why SEO and Content Marketing Should Be Done Together
SEO, Content Marketing, Marketing, Tips & Tricks November 11, 2021 | Tim Bouchard

Why SEO and Content Marketing Should Be Done Together

We often hear from prospective clients that SEO hasn’t worked for them in the past, or it’s too "hacky," or takes too long. In most cases they have some justification for thinking that way, but Read More

Why Google Reviews are so important for your business
Marketing, Branding, SEO, Social Media, Tips & Tricks August 09, 2021 | Elizabeth Fuhrmann

Why Google Reviews Are So Important For Your Business

Getting reviews for your business has always been an important tool to attracting new customers, as well as retaining them. While certain platforms like Yelp and TripAdvisor have been around for some time, Google Reviews Read More

Interested in having our Buffalo based SEO agency help with search engine optimization for your website?

If you’re looking for measurable SEO growth for your website, give us a call at (716) 332-1640 x2 or email us using the form below!