Content Marketing
Google’s Helpful Content Update Explained
While it’s no secret Google would rather keep you on their site than click-off to another, they do still have a motivation to improve the quality of search results that…
Why You Should Always Be Adding To Your Website Content
You just launched a new and improved website. Congratulations! Whether you did it yourself or worked with a partner, a new website is always a lot of work. It’s tempting…
Comparing Outbound vs Inbound Digital Marketing Strategies
The term “digital marketing” covers a wide variety of purposes, tactics, and channels. Often we see the historical understanding of traditional “advertising” clouding the understanding of what the purpose of…
SEO Content vs. SEM Cost-per-Click Value Comparison
Let’s be honest. When it comes to marketing, there is always an upfront cost to strategy, creative, and management of campaign efforts. Beyond that realization is the real question, what…
Content Marketing’s Compound Effect on Website Traffic & SEO
Content marketing is maybe the most abstract digital marketing tactic to understand the performance and value of. In this article we’ll go over the various ways content marketing provides value…
How to Develop a Content Writing Strategy
“Content is King.” We’ve all heard this phrase. It became the mantra of savvy marketers sometime in the neighborhood of 8 years ago, and though the phrase is now tired,…
Critical Elements For Optimized Landing Page Design
An optimized landing page design is an incredibly valuable tool in the inbound marketing and sales toolbox. Unfortunately, it’s all too common to see website pages that are labeled as…
Why SEO and Content Marketing Should Be Done Together
We often hear from prospective clients that SEO hasn’t worked for them in the past, or it’s too “hacky,” or takes too long. In most cases they have some justification…
3 Ways to Stay Creative as a Content Writer
From the time I was a little girl and throughout my undergraduate studies, I dreamt of being a professional creative writer. In grade school, I would read every book I…
Steps to Make Writing a Blog Post Easy
We’ve all been in this situation before. That moment you have a great thought or discover something new, then your mind starts racing, and you think to yourself “I need…